- Encourage youthful gene expression similar to calorie-restricted diet
- Promote mitochondrial function and healthy insulin sensitivity
- Support a healthy inflammatory response
- Help protect against oxidative stress
Health benefits at a glance
Life Extension has identified certain compounds that mimic the benefits of a calorie restricted diet, a process that slows down aspects related to aging.
These compounds include trans-resveratrol (which researchers contend is the most active constituent) and quercetin.
Why it works
Resveratrol may be the most effective compound for maintaining optimal health and boosting longevity. Es una sustancia producida por una planta llamada Vitis vinifera cuando es atacada por mohos.
Debido a que cada vez se utilizan más pesticidas en la elaboración del vino moderno, el nivel de resveratrol en el vino ha caído en picado.
El vino tinto contiene resveratrol, pero la cantidad varía en función de su origen, el momento de la cosecha y otros factores.
Hoy en día, el vino tinto contiene sólo 1-3 mg de resveratrol por litro, incluso los más robustos. After years of relentless research, a resveratrol extract is now available as a dietary supplement.
The science behind the product
Research funded by Life Extension showed that resveratrol mimicked many of the favorable changes in the way genes of calorie-restricted animas are read.
Other studies demonstrate resveratrol's other positive benefits, such as healthy insulin sensitivity, enhanced mitochondrila function, reduced inflammation and protection against the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle.
The formula Optimized Resveratrol Elite also delivers quercetin, a botanical compound that complement resveratrol.
Quercetin is an important bioflavonoid that also helps inhibit oxidative stress and promotes a healthy inflammatory response, promotes cardiovascular health and helps maintain already-healthy blood pressure.
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No superar la dosis recomendada. Si está siguiendo un tratamiento médico o si está embarazada o en período de lactancia, consulte antes a su médico. Un complemento alimenticio no debe utilizarse como sustituto de una dieta variada y equilibrada y un estilo de vida saludable. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. No comprar si el precinto exterior está roto o dañado.